§ 271. Virgin Islands Advisory Council for Career and Technical Education
(a)There is established a Virgin Islands Advisory Council for Career and Technical Education, hereinafter referred to in this chapter as the “Council”, which shall be established as an independent agency of the Government of the United States Virgin Islands.
(b)The Council shall consist of no less than 21 members to be appointed by the Governor for terms of three years, except that of the members first appointed, one-third shall be appointed for terms of one year and one-third shall be appointed for terms of two years, to be determined by the Governor.
(c)The expiration date of a member’s term on the Council shall be specified in his appointment. Appointments to fill unexpired terms on the Council in the case of vacancies shall be made by the Governor and shall be for the unexpired term only.
(d)A majority of the Council membership shall be comprised of persons who are neither educators nor educational administrators and shall include one or more individuals who:
(1)represent and are familiar with the career and technical needs and problems of management in the Territory;
(2)represent and are familiar with the career and technical needs and problems of labor in the Territory;
(3)represent and are familiar with the career and technical needs and problems of agriculture in the Territory;
(4)represent territorial industrial and economic development agencies;
(5)represent community and junior colleges;
(6)represent other institutions of higher education, area career and technical schools, technical institutes, and post secondary agencies or institutions which provide programs for career and technical or technical education and training;
(7)have special knowledge, experience or qualifications with respect to career and technical education but are not involved in the administration of career and technical education programs;
(8)represent and are familiar with public programs of career and technical education in comprehensive secondary schools;
(9)represent and are familiar with non-profit private schools;
(10)represent and are familiar with career and technical guidance and counseling services;
(12)are career and technical education teachers presently teaching in local educational institutions;
(13)are currently serving as superintendents or other administrators of local educational agencies;
(14)are currently serving on school boards of public or private educational institutions or agencies;
(15)represent the State Manpower Services Council established pursuant to Section 107 of the Federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973, or amendments thereto;
(16)represent school systems with large concentrations of persons who have special academic, social, economic and cultural needs and of persons who have limited English-speaking ability;
(17)are women with backgrounds and experience in employment and training programs, and who are knowledgeable with respect to the special experiences and problems of sex discrimination in job training and employment and of sex stereotyping in career and technical education, including women who are members of minority groups and who have, in addition to such backgrounds and experience, special knowledge of problems of discrimination in job training and employment against women who are in such groups;
(18)have special knowledge, experience or qualifications with respect to the special education needs of physically or mentally handicapped persons;
(19)represent the general public, including a person or persons representing and knowledgeable about the poor and disadvantaged; and
(20)are career and technical education students who are not qualified for membership under any of the preceding paragraphs of this subsection.
(e)Members of the Council may not represent more than one of the above specified categories. Consideration shall be given in membership appointments to insure that there is appropriate representation of both sexes, racial and ethnic minorities, and the three islands of the Territory.
(f)The Governor shall certify to the United States Commissioner of Education the establishment of, and membership of, the Council not less than ninety days prior to the beginning of the Federal fiscal year.
(g)For the purposes of securing the fullest implementation in the Virgin Islands of the Federal Act (defined hereinbelow), the Council shall do all that is or may be required to secure for the Virgin Islands the benefits of appropriations pursuant to such Act. As used in this subchapter, the term “Federal Act” means the Education Amendments of 1976 (Pub. L. 94–482) or any Act amendatory thereto.
—Added Sept. 4, 1973, No. 3471, § 1, Sess. L. 1973, p. 236; amended Sept. 6, 1978, No. 4199, § 1, Sess. L. 1978, p. 217; Oct. 17, 2005, No. 6793, § 5, Sess. L. 2005, p. 354.